Package | com.myflashlab.air.extensions.richWebView.ios |
Class | public class WebView |
Inheritance | WebView ![]() |
Property | Defined By | ||
allowsBackForwardNavigationGestures : Boolean
A Boolean value indicating whether horizontal swipe gestures will trigger back-forward list navigations. | WebView | ||
allowsLinkPreview : Boolean
A Boolean value indicating whether link preview is allowed for any links inside this WKWebView. | WebView | ||
backForwardList : Array [read-only] | WebView | ||
customUserAgent : String
The custom user agent string or null if no custom user agent string has been set. | WebView | ||
hasOnlySecureContent : Boolean [read-only]
A Boolean value indicating whether all resources on the page have been loaded over securely encrypted
connections. | WebView | ||
height : int Indicates the height of the webview instance | WebView | ||
isLoading : Boolean [read-only]
A Boolean value indicating whether the view is currently loading content. | WebView | ||
scrollView : ScrollView [read-only]
Gives you access to the scrollerView of this webview instance. | WebView | ||
settings : WebSettings [read-only]
Gives you access to the WebSettings of this webview instance. | WebView | ||
width : int Indicates the width of the webview instance | WebView | ||
x : int Indicates the x position of the webview instance relative to the main stage | WebView | ||
y : int Indicates the y position of the webview instance relative to the main stage | WebView |
Method | Defined By | ||
addEventListener($type:String, $listener:Function, $useCapture:Boolean = false, $priority:int = 0, $useWeakReference:Boolean = false):void [override] | WebView | ||
Adds the webview instance to the stage (Native windows will always be placed at the top of AIR content). | WebView | ||
use this method to call Javascript functions. | WebView | ||
A Boolean value indicating whether there is a back item in the back-forward list that can be navigated to. | WebView | ||
A Boolean value indicating whether there is a forward item in the back-forward list that can be navigated to. | WebView | ||
closes and removes the webview instance from stage. | WebView | ||
indicates the page load progress. | WebView | ||
The page title. | WebView | ||
The active URL. | WebView | ||
Navigates to the back item in the back-forward list. | WebView | ||
Navigates to the forward item in the back-forward list. | WebView | ||
makes the webview instance invisible if it is already visible. | WebView | ||
Loads HTML string as a web content. | WebView | ||
loadFile($file:File, $readAccessDir:File):void
Navigates to the requested file on the filesystem. | WebView | ||
Loads a webpage from a URL. | WebView | ||
Reloads the current page. | WebView | ||
removeEventListener($type:String, $listener:Function, $useCapture:Boolean = false):void [override] | WebView | ||
sets the background color of the webview instance. | WebView | ||
setFocus():void | WebView | ||
set the x,y,width,height of this webview instance. | WebView | ||
makes the webview instance visible if it is already invisible. | WebView | ||
Stops loading all resources on the current page. | WebView | ||
switchBitmapColorChannel($bmd:BitmapData):BitmapData [static] | WebView | ||
Starts scrolling the webpage from top to bottom to create a full webpage screenshot. | WebView |
allowsBackForwardNavigationGestures | property |
A Boolean value indicating whether horizontal swipe gestures will trigger back-forward list navigations. The default value is NO.
public function get allowsBackForwardNavigationGestures():Boolean
public function set allowsBackForwardNavigationGestures(value:Boolean):void
allowsLinkPreview | property |
A Boolean value indicating whether link preview is allowed for any links inside this WKWebView.
The default value is true
public function get allowsLinkPreview():Boolean
public function set allowsLinkPreview(value:Boolean):void
backForwardList | property |
[read-only] public function get backForwardList():Array
customUserAgent | property |
The custom user agent string or null if no custom user agent string has been set.
public function get customUserAgent():String
public function set customUserAgent(value:String):void
hasOnlySecureContent | property |
[read-only] A Boolean value indicating whether all resources on the page have been loaded over securely encrypted connections.
public function get hasOnlySecureContent():Boolean
height | property |
Indicates the height of the webview instance
public function get height():int
public function set height(value:int):void
isLoading | property |
[read-only] A Boolean value indicating whether the view is currently loading content.
public function get isLoading():Boolean
scrollView | property |
[read-only] Gives you access to the scrollerView of this webview instance. Notice that scrollview will be available after it's being added to the stage.
public function get scrollView():ScrollView
settings | property |
Gives you access to the WebSettings of this webview instance. Notice that all WebSettings must be set
BEFORE the webview instance is added to the stage using the addView
public function get settings():WebSettings
width | property |
Indicates the width of the webview instance
public function get width():int
public function set width(value:int):void
x | property |
Indicates the x position of the webview instance relative to the main stage
public function get x():int
public function set x(value:int):void
y | property |
Indicates the y position of the webview instance relative to the main stage
public function get y():int
public function set y(value:int):void
addEventListener | () | method |
override public function addEventListener($type:String, $listener:Function, $useCapture:Boolean = false, $priority:int = 0, $useWeakReference:Boolean = false):void
$type:String | |
$listener:Function | |
$useCapture:Boolean (default = false )
| |
$priority:int (default = 0 )
| |
$useWeakReference:Boolean (default = false )
addView | () | method |
public function addView($callback:Function):void
Adds the webview instance to the stage (Native windows will always be placed at the top of AIR content).
All the webview settings, _webviewInstance.settings.
must be set before adding it to the stage.
other configurations like scrollbar preferences or background color must be set only after the instance is
added to the stage.
$callback:Function — callback function to let you know that the native window is now added to the stage.
callJS | () | method |
public function callJS($msg:String):void
use this method to call Javascript functions. for example if you have a function in your js like this:
function diplayAlert(msg) { alert(msg); }you can call it this way:
_webviewInstance.callJS("diplayAlert('a msg from flash!')");
$msg:String |
canGoBack | () | method |
public function canGoBack():Boolean
A Boolean value indicating whether there is a back item in the back-forward list that can be navigated to.
ReturnsBoolean — |
canGoForward | () | method |
public function canGoForward():Boolean
A Boolean value indicating whether there is a forward item in the back-forward list that can be navigated to.
ReturnsBoolean — |
close | () | method |
public function close():void
closes and removes the webview instance from stage.
getProgress | () | method |
public function getProgress():Number
indicates the page load progress.
ReturnsNumber — |
getTitle | () | method |
public function getTitle():String
The page title.
ReturnsString — |
getUrl | () | method |
public function getUrl():String
The active URL. This is the URL that should be reflected in the user interface.
ReturnsString — |
goBack | () | method |
public function goBack():void
Navigates to the back item in the back-forward list.
goForward | () | method |
public function goForward():void
Navigates to the forward item in the back-forward list.
hide | () | method |
public function hide():void
makes the webview instance invisible if it is already visible.
loadData | () | method |
public function loadData($data:HtmlDataSettings):void
Loads HTML string as a web content. You must construct your HTML string in a HtmlDataSettings object.
$data:HtmlDataSettings |
loadFile | () | method |
public function loadFile($file:File, $readAccessDir:File):void
Navigates to the requested file on the filesystem.
$file:File — The file object to which to navigate.
| |
$readAccessDir:File — The directory object to allow read access to.
loadUrl | () | method |
public function loadUrl($url:String):void
Loads a webpage from a URL. Notice that you should pass URLs starting with 'https://'
$url:String |
reload | () | method |
public function reload($fromOrigin:Boolean):void
Reloads the current page. If $fromOrigin
is set to true
, performing end-to-end
revalidation using cache-validating conditionals if possible.
$fromOrigin:Boolean |
removeEventListener | () | method |
override public function removeEventListener($type:String, $listener:Function, $useCapture:Boolean = false):void
$type:String | |
$listener:Function | |
$useCapture:Boolean (default = false )
setBackgroundColor | () | method |
public function setBackgroundColor($color:String):void
sets the background color of the webview instance. You must call this method after it's being added to the stage.
$color:String — can be in #AARRGGBB or #RRGGBB format
setFocus | () | method |
public function setFocus():void
setViewPort | () | method |
public function setViewPort($rect:Rectangle):void
set the x,y,width,height of this webview instance.
$rect:Rectangle |
show | () | method |
public function show():void
makes the webview instance visible if it is already invisible.
stopLoad | () | method |
public function stopLoad():void
Stops loading all resources on the current page.
switchBitmapColorChannel | () | method |
public static function switchBitmapColorChannel($bmd:BitmapData):BitmapData
$bmd:BitmapData |
BitmapData |
takeScreenshot | () | method |
public function takeScreenshot():void
Starts scrolling the webpage from top to bottom to create a full webpage screenshot. When it's work is completed,
the event WebViewEvents.SCREENSHOT
will be dispatched.