This class represents all the information you wish to have for your search item in spotlight. Before being able to
see your app results in the spotlight, you need to create an instance of this class and specify what data and what
keywords you wish to have for that item.
The kind of information you can set for each of your search items, have been mirrored from iOS Spotlight framework.
Therefore, you can find more information about these properties if you look through the official apple documents
related to spotlight search classes.
public function AttributeSet($contentType:String, $uniqueIdentifier:String, $domainIdentifier:String)
Initialize a new instance of the AttributeSet class and pass in the content type which your search item has. Also
pass in a unique identifier string so when end users click on your item in the spotlight window, you can know where
to take your user inside the app because the unique identifier string will be posted to your app through the
SpotlightEvents.SEARCH_SELECTED listene. And eventually, you will pass in the domain identifier which
will help you group your search results.
$contentType:String — the content type your search item has. You may choose a type from ContentType
$uniqueIdentifier:String — a unique string to identify your item when users click on your search item from the
spotlight results
$domainIdentifier:String — a string to help your group your search items. grouping the items will also make it
easy to delete them. for example you need to delete all indexes related to "old.apples". If you have grouped them
before, you can easily use the deleteItems method and delete those items from the spotlight search.