Classpublic class AndroidParams
InheritanceAndroidParams Inheritance Object

Public Properties
 PropertyDefined By
  afl : String
The link to open when the app isn't installed.
  amv : int = -1
The versionCode of the minimum version of your app that can open the link.
  apn : String
The package name of the Android app to use to open the link.
Public Methods
 MethodDefined By
Property Detail
public var afl:String

The link to open when the app isn't installed. Specify this to do something other than install your app from the Play Store when the app isn't installed, such as open the mobile web version of the content, or display a promotional page for your app.

public var amv:int = -1

The versionCode of the minimum version of your app that can open the link. If the installed app is an older version, the user is taken to the Play Store to upgrade the app.

public var apn:String

The package name of the Android app to use to open the link. The app must be connected to your project from the Overview page of the Firebase console. Required for the Dynamic Link to open an Android app.

Constructor Detail
public function AndroidParams()